
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Still around...

Now even Retro has called me out for not blogging, except his comment was something like 'you haven't blogged, thank God'.  Whatevs he knows he likes it, otherwise why would have been checking it out. 

The Semi-Slackers are gearing up for our annual summer relocation to St. George Island.  For those of you (if any) that are new, no we are not moving to the beach.  I call it a relocation, because it's not a vacation...really, just same old stuff, different place + covered with sand.  But this year, Mr. Semi-Slacker may be able to make an appearance for a few days.  We calling this year's adventure, Camp Chaos.  And t-shirts are being made.

Aunt Crissy & I took the children to see Judy Moody & the Not so Bummer Summer.  Judy is almost as Bi-polar Betty as Sassy.  ALMOST.  I was a cute movie, but movie ticket prices are OUT.RAG.OUS!! $60 later. And in 6 months I can watch it 47 times on HBO. (or STARZ, MAX, whatever)

We recently acquired a new addition to our family...
Sophie, the rabbit.  I wanted to name her Ruby, but I was vetoed.  We had our annual Peach Festival a few weeks ago & the Win a Goldfish dude had bunnies as the grand prize.  Of course, we ended up with a goldfish (which is now in fishy heaven) & Sophie.  I'm not going to say we won the bunny, just that we ended up with it.  That's all.  And I may be eating these words before it's a over with, but I really like this pet.  It's a House Bunny.

I just got the book, The Help to read at the beach, but I read the first chapter while Bo was at the dentist & now I don't want to put it down.  And usually the only thing I read is People magazine!

Anyway I feel bad about not blogging much, but I must say that I've got the best tan I've had since college!  Now if I could just lose 10 lbs. but fat does look better tan.


  1. I'm jealous... everything is better when covered with sand... okay that's an exaggeration, but you KWIM!

    I LOVED The Help. When I mentioned it on my blog someone said they that when they finished they wished they could have read it all over again for the first time and that's exactly how I felt!

  2. I don't know how you can wait another hour to devour The Help. It's so good. I hope Hollywood doesn't screw up the movie.

  3. Hell, yes, fat looks better tan!
    That bunny has "Ruby" written all over her.
    "The Help" is an awesome book!
    Is Sophie/Ruby housebroken? If so how did you do it?

  4. Amen sister! I totally look thinner brown.

  5. I've missed you!! My BFF and I took the girls to see Judy Moody this weekend and the first words out of their mouth when it went off was, "We wanna see it again!" I thought it was very cute! And, yes! Spend some time reading The Help! It's a wonderful book!! Can't wait to see the movie!

  6. we will be just down the road from SGI in Cape San Blas, we are hitting the road Sunday!! girl I am SO excited I lurve that place and when I strike it rich I will own a house down there. i can't wait to get my tan on:)

    Our friends are hitting SGI this year & will be down there in a couple weeks.

  7. That rabbit is so very cute!

    The Help has been on my list to read for forever now...and now I really need to go get it so that I can read it before the movie comes out.

    Movie prices are outrageous!! We saw Judy Moody and it was cute.

  8. Soooo glad to hear from you! You will love The Help. I'm jealous of your family vaca. I miss those times. <3 YOU! XOXO

  9. Saw that movie with my girls AND read that book in the last 2 weeks...our lives are parallel! Enjoy...

  10. I LOVEDLOVEDLOVED The Help. I gasped last time I went to the movies and the tix were $9.50 each. Enjoy your temporary relocation.

  11. I still can't believe that you were on SGI the week after us...... hope you're having a great time!!!

  12. I wanna go to the beach!!
    I'm taking Elayna to see the Judy Moody movie, just the two of us. So I won't have to take out a freakin loan!!
    I LOVED The Help, can't wait to see the movie.

  13. I just got back from the Cape today and thought of you while I was there cause I heard about the storm and the power outages, hope it didn't ruin your vacation.

  14. I totally got what you meant by Relocation...I always refer to ours as "Same Shit, Different Location".

    Awwww, love the bunny!!! We used to have house rabbits and they are the BEST pets...totally quiet, they can be housebroken and they are adorable!!! Although they can chew through wires like no one's business so be on the lookout for that!!

    Have a blast on your Relocation!


I need to know what you're thinking. I'm nosey like that!